International Polish Championship In Renju and Gomoku tournament
Feb 12, 2005, 1:38 PM
I m inviting u for a big tournament in real. In Warsav 19-20 March 2005 will play 3- times world Chapmionship winer Ando Meritee, present World chapmion in renju Tunnet Taimla, Soosyrv Ants, Karlsson Stefan nad othrs great players. We expecting players from six countries( or even more). Will be a great tournament with brilliant games and magic atmosphere!
Organizer: Polish Gomoku, Renju and Pente Association.
Conditions on tournament participation: - participation regardless of Association membership, nationality, ***, age or ability - payment of starting fee - sending application to
Starting fees: - International Polish Championship In Renju 15PLN - Gomoku tournament 20PLN
The application should contain: 1. Surname 2. Name 3. Nick 4. Information on tournament in which one will participate 5. Accommodation (1 or 2 nights), where one will sleep (school, other place) 6. Dinner - whether one orders dinner on Saturday 7. e-mail
Accommodation: On one's own. - There is a possibility of sleeping In school - on the place of tournament. One Leeds to take a sleeping bag and mattress and also point it In application. - for foreign guests organizers will help in finding a good sleepover place.
Attention: On Friday 18th March, school will be open from 19Hrs.
Dinner: On Saturday 19th March, at 14:30 one can order a dinner to place of tournament (price of about 10PLN). Attention! - one have to notice organizers of such order in tournament application.
Organizers reserves the right to change the tournament schedule and also not to allow to play or exclude from the tournament people not obeying the rules.