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Topic: Oct Main 1 IYT Round 2
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Posts: 15
Registered: Dec 16, 2001
Oct Main 1 IYT Round 2
Posted: Feb 23, 2001, 1:32 AM

I have written a list of players to correspond to
the game numbers for this round. (no guarantees its
all correct)

follows: hf

game numbers
begin at 15300002727545

last 3 digits) SECTION

mark nosovs 545 & 6
- 1
mark cody 547 & 8
mark mano 549 &
mark joe 551 & 2
joe nosovs 553 & 4
joe cody 555
& 6
joe mano 557 & 8
mano nosovs 559 & 560

mano cody 561 & 2
cody nosovs 563 &

gary ford 565 & 6 - 2
gary dmitri 567 & 8
tass 569 & 570
tass ford 571 & 572
tass dmitri
573 & 4
dmitri ford 575 & 6

aaron ahart
577 & 8 - 3
aaron devy 579 & 580
aaron sk69 581
& 2
sk69 ahart 583 & 4
sk69 davy 585 &
davy ira 587 & 8

scott brien 589 & 590 -
scott ira 591 & 2
scott GJS 593 & 4
GJS Brien 595
& 6
GJS and ira 597 & 8
Ira and Brien 600 &

This message was originally posted at Yahoo's pente group.

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