gomoku tournament issue
Mar 14, 2025, 1:47 PM
Hi all. As you know, gomoku is solved long ago. For now, it's not an issue for a strong renju or gomoku player to win a game being first without opening rules applied. It's like 35 or 37 moves needed, not a lot (18th move on this server). There is a lot of players in the world who are able to win 95%+ of games playing first.
The problem is, when two such players meet in the tournament, they will play infinitely.
As to me, I never play surewin openings here. But most of players here does. And if I see a surewin played vs me in the tournament, maybe I will play surewin too. And eventually we will have an infinite gomoku tournament =(
Re: gomoku tournament issue
Mar 18, 2025, 4:29 PM
When you reach certain playing level, you don't need to memorize such variants, you understand them since in most variants the attack is pretty obvious. I think all gomoku players with rating 2300+ ( https://gomokurating.renju.net/rating_all.html ) as well as all renju players with rating 2300+ ( https://rating.renju.net/rating_all.html ) will hit 95% winrate easily.
Also I've written a book on renju opening theory quite a while ago, so I do know/memorized a lot as well. But it is not about surewins mostly but about playable, equal variants.
Re: gomoku tournament issue
Mar 22, 2025, 6:09 AM
Hi Owen. When I first played against you, I didn't know much about the game or surewin advantage. Maybe some of your opponents don't know either. I'm sure those that join a tournament would, but casual players maybe not. I'm interested in reading your book. I'm sure others here also would love to, too. How can I get a copy or link