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Topic: marshall vs. habascott
Replies: 6   Views: 15,524   Pages: 1   Last Post: Aug 22, 2005, 1:29 PM by: habascott

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Posts: 110
Registered: Jan 23, 2005
From: IL
Age: 24
marshall vs. habascott
Posted: Aug 14, 2005, 1:10 PM

hey habascott, wed. night would work the best for me to play...other than that i could play almost any evening if i knew ahead of time...weekends arent really good for me...let me know what works best for ya


Posts: 21
Registered: Feb 22, 2005
From: Easton, PA
Age: 36
Re: marshall vs. habascott
Posted: Aug 17, 2005, 2:46 PM

hey marshall...this is really bugging me. I used to get email notification automatically when I get a message in the discussion forums, like this one, and for some reason I don't get them anymore. I checked my settings and they seem to be fine. UGH! Anyway, tonight should be good. I am EST and should be around about 9-10pm. I will check throughout that time frame. Thanks.


Posts: 21
Registered: Feb 22, 2005
From: Easton, PA
Age: 36
Re: marshall vs. habascott
Posted: Aug 21, 2005, 12:53 AM

hey...sorry I missed you the other nite...are you around tonight around 10-11pm? If not I'll be available early tomorrow...say 8 am EST. I'm not sure what time zone you are in, but let me know.


Posts: 110
Registered: Jan 23, 2005
From: IL
Age: 24
Re: marshall vs. habascott
Posted: Aug 21, 2005, 1:13 AM

heya, i gotta get up in a couple hours to get ready for work and i'm tryin to get a bit more sleep...tomorrow morning would be perfect for me if you're around...i get off at 6am(CDT) so i should def. be able to play anytime between 7-9...or 8-10 EST...i'll look for ya then.....soo sleepy...i got off work early and cant stay awake much longer...i'll try to get back on here when i'm awake and see if i run into ya on here

Message was edited by: marshall at Aug 21, 2005 8:16 AM


Posts: 21
Registered: Feb 22, 2005
From: Easton, PA
Age: 36
Re: marshall vs. habascott
Posted: Aug 21, 2005, 3:19 PM

hey marshall...just logged on and didn't see you. We are having a birthday party for our 2 year old son today and I've got to get stuff done around the house or the Mrs will kill me I'll check back in a little while or I will definitely be around tonight after 7 EST. Hope to see ya soon.


Posts: 110
Registered: Jan 23, 2005
From: IL
Age: 24
Re: marshall vs. habascott
Posted: Aug 22, 2005, 1:41 AM

i'll be around tomorrow morning around 9:30-10:30EST if by chance you're around....yea...we got our match in...with jest over an hour to spare

Message was edited by: marshall at Aug 22, 2005 10:43 AM


Posts: 21
Registered: Feb 22, 2005
From: Easton, PA
Age: 36
Re: marshall vs. habascott
Posted: Aug 22, 2005, 1:29 PM

hey marshall...I will be working at that time but I will have a lap iop and will try to log on then. The problem is the lap top isn't the best and is relatively slow...but hopefully it will work. I'll try to see you around 10am EST. thanks

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