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Topic: Round 6: up2ng vs mmark
Replies: 10   Views: 17,869   Pages: 1   Last Post: Oct 9, 2005, 3:48 PM by: mmark

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Posts: 751
Registered: Mar 1, 2002
From: My Own Lil World Mostly
Age: 43
Round 6: up2ng vs mmark
Posted: Sep 6, 2005, 5:38 PM

Good Luck to the both of you! Please post on this thread to get your matches set up!


Posts: 542
Registered: May 9, 2002
From: Northeast USA
Re: Round 6: up2ng vs mmark
Posted: Sep 8, 2005, 10:09 PM


I can try to check in around 8pm EST over the next few nights. I also have some time this weekend.


Posts: 542
Registered: May 9, 2002
From: Northeast USA
Re: Round 6: up2ng vs mmark
Posted: Sep 22, 2005, 2:23 AM

Hi mmark,

Not sure if you've been on lately. I wasn't around for the past few days but I should have more time now to get games in. I'll try to check in week nights around 8PM EST and a few times this weekend. Hope we can get this thing going soon!


Posts: 126
Registered: Jun 13, 2003
From: The Untied Kingdom
Age: 110
Re: Round 6: up2ng vs mmark
Posted: Oct 1, 2005, 1:06 AM

hi, I'll try to get here sometime.. I didn't know I had a game left to play...
so I'm sorry for the delay.. I'm on GMT (London, UK) and I don't know what the time difference is..

hopefully we'll run into eachother at some point...


Posts: 542
Registered: May 9, 2002
From: Northeast USA
Re: Round 6: up2ng vs mmark
Posted: Oct 2, 2005, 2:57 PM

don't worry, I haven't been very good about checking in this week either. I'll be on and off today, hope to run into you soon!


Posts: 126
Registered: Jun 13, 2003
From: The Untied Kingdom
Age: 110
Round 1089: up2ng Vs mmark
Posted: Oct 2, 2005, 11:50 PM

hi again, if there is a good time to play for you, perhaps email me via this site. I think there is about 5hours time difference, though I could be wrong (anything is possible! even me being wrong lol
hey, anyhoo..... pick a day, and ... or email me if you think you might be free a day..
I'm free/flexible most days, people rarely pay me


Posts: 542
Registered: May 9, 2002
From: Northeast USA
Re: Round 1089: up2ng Vs mmark
Posted: Oct 3, 2005, 1:09 AM

Darn, looks like I didn't miss you by much. The time difference is tough in this case because unfortunately I'm almost never available these days until about 8pm EST. I'll try to check in around that time each night this week in case you feel like staying up really late one night...

Not sure what else to do. Post here if you definitely plan on coming one day at that time and I'll make sure I'm here.


Posts: 126
Registered: Jun 13, 2003
From: The Untied Kingdom
Age: 110
Re: Round 1089: up2ng Vs mmark
Posted: Oct 5, 2005, 10:33 PM

hi, can you get in any earlier at the weekend? your 8pm there is past midnight here... and even if I played you at 1am I'd be really tired and make silly moves. if you can get in earlier one day at the weekend that'd be good.. I think we need to clarify exactly what our time difference is though... as I type this it is 9.30pm... I'm London UK time.


Posts: 542
Registered: May 9, 2002
From: Northeast USA
Re: Round 1089: up2ng Vs mmark
Posted: Oct 9, 2005, 12:07 AM


I will plan to play Sunday, 10/9/05 at 9am EST = 2pm London.
I hope you get this message and I hope to see you then!


Posts: 126
Registered: Jun 13, 2003
From: The Untied Kingdom
Age: 110
Re: Round 1089: up2ng Vs mmark
Posted: Oct 9, 2005, 1:40 AM

hi, I got the message. I hope I remember - I have a brain like a sieve.. anyhoo... hasta la mañana señor... 2pm.... ok
maybe I'll set an alarm on phone and hope I am here at PC when it goes off...
now I ought to remember... ok sunday! or tonight maye if you come by...


Posts: 126
Registered: Jun 13, 2003
From: The Untied Kingdom
Age: 110
Re: Round 1089: up2ng Vs mmark
Posted: Oct 9, 2005, 3:48 PM

hey up2ng, why not play whilst you're here? we're both here.. what's the problem?

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