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Topic: Round 5: Tragedy vs Mmark
Replies: 2   Views: 19,493   Pages: 1   Last Post: Aug 29, 2005, 6:25 AM by: tragedy

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Posts: 751
Registered: Mar 1, 2002
From: My Own Lil World Mostly
Age: 43
Round 5: Tragedy vs Mmark
Posted: Aug 27, 2005, 5:10 PM

Good Luck you two! Please have your match complete by September 11th!


Posts: 126
Registered: Jun 13, 2003
From: The Untied Kingdom
Age: 110
Re: Round 5: Tragedy vs Mmark
Posted: Aug 28, 2005, 5:28 PM


ok.. when shall we do this? I'm UK time... maybe we'll bump into eachother and just do it when we do it... mahooshka!

I'm nahervous already! arghhhhhh!!! but I'm not letting it show...

(did I say that out loud?)

ok, if I don't see you through the week I'll see you through the window....

we have until the 11th Sept so no panic..


P.S. dress to kill


Posts: 57
Registered: Aug 28, 2003
Re: Round 5: Tragedy vs Mmark
Posted: Aug 29, 2005, 6:25 AM

ahoy matey, we can play as you like, no doubt we will run into one another, i am here every evening and if not ill catch you at iyt and we can toodle over here to play

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