Dec 16, 2001
Powell, OH
37 Home page
Mar 4, 2005, 4:26 PM
Since this is sort of the "1st" tournament at DSG that is automated and round-robin, I would appreciate any feedback on any aspect of the tournament, we'll use this thread for that.
I'm especially interested in comments on the standings page, I had a hard time creating the sections, I hope it is clear how you read them. I think it is, but it might take a few minutes to get used to.
May 9, 2002
Northeast USA
Re: Feedback
Mar 30, 2005, 9:53 PM
Hey Dweebo, I do have a quick suggestion although I'm not sure how easy it would be to do.
I think the tournament forums are a good idea for communication between players trying to schedule a match. However, I think that some players do not check that forum regularly and/or do not realize when there is a new post or when someone is trying to reach them.
I know that in the other (regular) forums, once somebody actually posts a message, that person starts receiving emails any time there's another reply to that same thread. I wonder if it makes sense to set this "watch" up automatically for players in a tournament so that when there's any post to that round/section thread, all players in that round/section receive an email (without having to post to the thread first).
Dec 16, 2001
Powell, OH
37 Home page
Re: Feedback
Mar 30, 2005, 10:22 PM
Yes, I could automatically add watches to the threads for each round when they are created, that is a good idea, and isn't that hard to add actually, the forums come with an interface I can write code for.
The feature you talk about, receiving replies to a thread by email after you post, is optional (configurable in your forum settings). Just to be clear, not everyone has that happen. You can also choose to watch any thread or forum at any time, just click the "Watch Forum" link at the top of any forum or thread.