Every time I play a rated game I can not play a second game unless I sit there for an incredibly long period of time for the next game to begin. I am growing tired of this and need some answers.
Message was edited by: abdog at Apr 8, 2012 7:19 PM
This is why i pulled out of this site 8 months ago. I have learned since then that certain things cant be 'fixed' so i deal with them. Cheers and good luck
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Rated Play
Apr 14, 2012, 8:58 PM
now serving #3517,
in-between the 2 games in a rated set the opponent is given 7 minutes to click play. this is so they can have a half time to take a bathroom break, get a glass of water, or if having connection issues they can reset their WiFi or modem. if the 7 minutes is too much for you then simply ask that the timer of the games be set to 4 minutes less per game. this way you are compensating for time loss thus making the set the max time you desire. if you are simply bored while waiting 7 minutes perhaps come up with a distraction for those 7 minutes. such as play the AI, or read the forums for fun, or surf youtube, etc.
i hope this helps and i will be sending you a bill via email. this concludes our visit, have a great day
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