Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
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Re: Beginners' Room
Nov 3, 2011, 2:12 AM
there's a thread some where about this. i think it was to prevent new players from getting their points ruined with rated sets vs strong players, thus discouraging them via embarrassment or something similar. i could be wrong on those details but i think basically it was a safe place for beginners to learn with out being decimated by the strong players. or some thing...
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare
Re: Optional Beginners' Room
Nov 7, 2011, 10:47 PM
After reading your post Zoey, I too vaguely remember a thread pertaining to the beginners' room.
I share niobium's perspective that the beginners' room could possibly discourage new players from returning to the site because of a lack of personal connectivity.
I am proposing that the title of that room be eliminated, not the room itself. I think the room could be titled:
"The Just in Case Room"
Just in case one is disconnected from the main room. I, along with other players have been disconnected from the main room on occasion. For some unexplained reason we were able to access the beginners' room, although we couldn't re-enter the main room.
Re: Optional Beginners' Room
Dec 5, 2011, 9:17 PM
The creation of the Beginners' Room,could be used as an example to illustrate a point that was stated by a fellow player. He said: (I am paraphrasing) that sometimes people only think that they have a problem... I will add to that and say: Oftentimes when we think we have a problem, there is not something to do about it; instead, there is only something to know...
Dec 16, 2001
cottage grove, oregon Home page
Re: Optional Beginners' Room
Dec 9, 2011, 11:39 PM
Seems like a first room to start in would be like a beginners room, but maybe called a "warm up" room. This room could have a help menu with the basics of navigating through the game bot and maybe even feature a related faq list if need be. Have some summoning beacon lights that show up though the game room as well as main room. Say that you are new here and hit a button (showing a summoning light for assistance) requesting that someone that is familiar with this site, play a set and assist you with getting started.