IAGO has a leaderboard tracking Pente and other games.
Mar 13, 2010, 8:53 AM
One of the IAGO projects going on is the tracking of different abstract strategy games being played over the Internet, from multiple sites, and producing a multi-site leaderboard. Over 200 games are available to get Elo ratings being generated. You can see the site here: http://leaderboard.iagoweb.com
This system offers some advantages over normal: * Be able to have players rated over various websites, with scoring in one area. You would be able to play here, or another site with Pente, and be able to keep your rating. * Ability to track detailed stats on wins, and so on, and also getting survey data on first player advantage, based on play. * Offer players an ability to also track wins and losses they have, even against people who didn't sign up. * Have a leaderboard for showing the best rated players in the world, and have stats for their play at a range of games.
I would be up for discussing this more and see if we can get games on here to give results. Please send me a message at: rich@iagoworldtour.com or go to the iagoweb.com site to check it out. Again, we have an interest in capturing results on here.
Re: IAGO has a leaderboard tracking Pente and other games.
Mar 15, 2010, 6:51 AM
My main question about having pente.org games/ratings within this project concerns differences in the rating formulae between the two. While both systems use Elo ratings, pente.org no longer rates single games, but rather considers sets, something which the iG center does not do. Also, the provisional number of games is different than here and also the changes in K values are different. I know some players would prefer to return to single game ratings here, while others have lobbied long and hard for the change to set based ratings which has recently occured. Given these differences, how do you see pente.org fitting into the larger picture in terms of our established ratings here?
ETA: I was looking at the rules for Pente on the iG site and saw that no mention of tournament rules was made, which I assume means that the first player is not bound to play by them. If this is the case, then games played by those rules would not be rated at all by this site and rated games played here would look strange to players from that site b/c of tournament rules restrictions. Any thoughts on how to reconcile these differences?
Message was edited by: watsu at Mar 15, 2010 2:34 AM
Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat
Re: IAGO has a leaderboard tracking Pente and other games.
Mar 17, 2010, 10:36 PM
We can make needed changes as we are able to.
Just an FYI here. The IGGameCenter is now playing Pente by Tournament rules (initial move restriction), and IAGO is tracking Pente that way.
I will see what can be done for a best of 3 or sets for tracking. We are open for input on this. As of now, it is on a game by game basis I believe.
Another game entry: pente_basic is for the normal, out the box play (no initial move restriction) for sites that use that to track to. As it is now, we won't have any games tracking to it.
Message was edited by: docreason at Mar 17, 2010 5:36 PM
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
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Re: IAGO has a leaderboard tracking Pente and other games.
Mar 19, 2010, 6:34 AM
yes thank you, very nice. i look forward to the development. i was wondering if at the igcenter site, if the board could be made expandable, and also can player 1 be made white, and player 2 be made black? and is there plans to try and link all sites data bases together of all pente moves for searching? that would be monumental! heck, ide pay a monthly fee to be able to use such a data base, i might be a dreamer, but i ain't the only one...
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Re: IAGO has a leaderboard tracking Pente and other games.
Mar 20, 2010, 3:27 AM
The first thing we are doing is working on it so we get game ratings and Elo done right and track things. I am sure if we get enough sites going on, and then agree to some standards for layout and move notation.
We have some hitches regarding how to have multiple games played and get one Elo rating.
zoeyk, can you send me some email, so we can discuss this further via email, and I can have Aaron hear your input.