Iphone Access or App
Jan 10, 2010, 12:11 AM
I there anyone working on an App or way to access Pente.ORG. Right now I can play Pente.Net from my Iphone, but I can't run the Java application from Pente.org from the Iphone. Anyone in the know????
Dec 16, 2001
Powell, OH
37 Home page
Re: Iphone Access or App
Jan 11, 2010, 3:58 PM
i had one developer who was interested in developing a client to connect to pente.org on the iphone. unfortunately the issue is i'd have to rework some of how the game room server communicates, so that it would work w/ the iphone, and we never got very far.
i would like to move away from having to use java for playing the AI and playing turn-based games. a simple html interface would be great so mobile users could access the site better.
i would also love to extend my pente app for the Android platform (google phones) to access the site, but that is a big undertaking so haven't worked on it yet.
Re: Iphone Access or App
Jan 11, 2010, 5:06 PM
I know all about the time issue. I don't know how you do what you do already. Have you ever considered farming the App out to a startup programmer for the right to sell it.
Dec 16, 2001
Powell, OH
37 Home page
Re: Iphone Access or App
Jan 12, 2010, 4:59 PM
well that was sort of the plan i had with the player who wanted to work on the iphone app. however there still are changes on my end that need to be made.
question for you, are you interested in playing live games with other players from the iphone, turn-based games or games against the computer?
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Iphone Access or App
Jan 12, 2010, 9:18 PM
correct me if im wrong but on the iphone the board would be a 13x13 grid in order to see the stones clearly? if so then to link to pente.org to play other players a new pente.org 13x13 format would need to be created i think. although i suppose 19x19 could be done with a zoom feature.
as to the question of AI, turn based, or playing players live. if it were AI i dont think youd need to link to pente.org, a AI can be built in, So i think that narrows it down to turn based or live play, or data base access. i personally would like to access the data base from it to search for novelty moves. and between turn based or live as a second choice ide probably pick turn based. in live play the board becomes even smaller to show table controls, and good luck reading table chat and conversing i think. but maybe im wrong.
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare
Re: Iphone Access or App
Jan 13, 2010, 12:52 PM
What I'm looking for is live play. I can do without the chat, just to be mobile. For turn base play I've been on Net since 2004, for AI play (excuse the pun) there's an App for that (brainium studios) AI level 4-5 at best. As for board size I play 19x19 on Net and zoom if need be.
iPhone, iPad, iPod Access
Apr 7, 2011, 4:33 AM
Being the proud owner of an iPad, I would like to bump this topic and see if the possibility of playing Pente on this site from an iPad is on the horizon.
My guess is the cool factor would definitely increase the user base of Pente.org
BTW, if you don't already own an iPad, get one. . . very cool!
This is interesting, the database works fine on the iPad. I'm not a programmer, but it would seem that the jump to making the game room available to iPad users wouldn't be to big of a deal
I do want to incorporate messages and notifications. An iPad and iPhone5 friendly version depends on whether or not the app takes off.
If all of the above, yes, I would love to do real-time play, but I fear, as Dweebo said, that this implies some effort from his side, it might not, but at the moment I have not taken a close look at it. We will see