Dec 16, 2001
Powell, OH
37 Home page
Forum policies, community director
Dec 31, 2009, 4:08 PM
As many of you are aware, there are no "official" forum policies for how to behave, what is acceptable to post, etc. And it has been briefly discussed in the past that we need these rules/policies. I don't feel that I am the one to create these policies, the community should come up with it.
However there is simply too much garbage and unnecessary meanness (for lack of a better word) in the forums and I personally am sick of it!
As you know, I have mostly kept a hands off approach to the forums, but starting today, I'm going to start doing things differently.
Any forum post or thread that I or one of the other admins thinks is overtly negative or attacks another player (or for any comment sense reason we see fit really) will be deleted as quickly as possible. Note that before now the admins did not have access to the forums to moderate content, I will be changing that today. The admins of this site are currently just partica, up2ng and mmammel.
The first deletion will be that whole thread recently started about alt-names. I will be deleting it right after I post this.
Once the community comes up with a better more concrete set of guidelines/policies for what is acceptable content then the admins and I will use that as the guide for what to delete when necessary.
I also feel that needs a community director to handle these sorts of things, keep up with the goings on of the site, start interesting discussions, tournaments, polls, contests, etc. I do not have the interest or time to keep up with those duties unfortunately.
So 2 things you can do. 1. If you know some guidelines you'd like for forum content (perhaps you frequent other community discussion groups on the web you could look at) please let me or one of the admins know or post them in this thread. 2. If you know of a player at this site that you think would make a great community directory please email me!
Dec 16, 2001
Powell, OH
37 Home page
Re: Forum policies, community director
Dec 31, 2009, 6:16 PM
Here is a good start, as suggested by a user just moments ago:
1. Stay on topic at all times. 2. Be civil. (No personal attacks. Do not feel compelled to defend your honor in public.) 3. Do not revisit topics that have been controversial and discussed to the ground. (ie. beating nosovs, alt names) 4. Use short, concise thread titles. 5. Do not flood a forum. 6. No Trolling. (According to wikipedia, A troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.) 7. No offensive, insulting, profane or vulgar remarks are allowed. 8. No Bumping. 9. Use Main UserId to post in forums. 10. Pornographic content is not permitted on this site. (There are kids who do play at this site.) 11. Do not deliberately post in a manner that is disruptive to ongoing discussions or community.
Please comment on these if you like/don't like them or suggest additions/alternatives here.
Mar 1, 2002
My Own Lil World Mostly
Re: Forum policies, community director
Dec 31, 2009, 8:21 PM
Reminds me of "All I Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten"
I like all of the suggestions except #3, #4, #8, #9, & #11.
#3 - this one bothers me because some people don't read everything already in the forums before posting something that previously was considered controversial/discussed to the ground. It could make moderating a major issue.
#4 - I feel people can title their threads anything they want as long as it fits under being civil, unoffensive, non-insulting, lacking in vulgarity. What one person sees as short and concise may not fit the definition of others.
#8 - Nothing wrong with attempting to solicit a response on something you have posted. If it read "No Excessive Bumping" I think I could agree.
#9 - I don't think it matters what userID I post in the forum under as long as it is not a personal attack or deliberately done to be disruptive to an ongoing discussion or to the community.
#11 - I think the other "rules" cover this already. I just don't see it as necessary.
Basically, when there are more rules than one can enforce it ends up in chaos. If a rule is enforced on one person and overlooked for another by mistake then it creates even more chaos. I personally feel it would be almost impossible to enforce all 11 rules. Also by not having the ability to ban a specific user from the forum for a given period of time I don't see how one can keep up with the chaos that will be created when the first person is moderated.
May 9, 2002
Northeast USA
Re: Forum policies, community director
Dec 31, 2009, 10:47 PM
I actually like the original list 1 - 11 pretty much. Staying on topic (#1) is a good guideline in general even if it were not a rule. However, if you know you're going to go off topic, it might be more appropriate to just start a new thread. However, it's annoying when one person starts lots and lots of new threads (#5, flooding the forum). There must be some common sense balance there.
#3 - I think people should at least try to do a little reading through previous threads, at least recent ones, before posting a question that has just been answered, for example. If something has been discussed at length and then another thread is started about the same topic, it can be annoying.
#4 - Thread titles should be appropriate and descriptive of the subject being discussed. In the past, users have occasionally edited their main thread title well after the fact as part of the ongoing banter or personal attacks that are happening in the thread -- that has to stop. In addition, thread titles should not be totally deleted either, it makes it more difficult for other users to click on the link (which is no longer there) and read the thread.
#8 - Bumping is annoying. But if used in rare cases it might be reasonable.
#9 - I personally feel that everyone should only be using ONE userID, both for playing and posting. But I guess I'm in the minority on that one so the community will have to decide for themselves if this is reasonable.
#11 - I think it's fine as a general guideline / rule.
I don't think this community is going to be moderated strictly no matter what the rules are and how many admins are monitoring the forums. We have been lucky that so far we have very reasonable users with common sense that have not caused too many problems for a totally unmonitored forum. Hopefully the community will continue to behave appropriately on their own. I don't think every little infraction will be intervened by admins, only if things get excessive. We're lucky that we have not been flooded with spammers and random porn site links and other annoying things that tend to happen on forums these days so let's hope it stays that way without having to do a large amount of moderating. If it gets out of control the forums could always just be shut down. But I hope people will not ruin it for everyone else. This is a nice, fun community. Let's keep it that way.
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Forum policies, community director
Jan 6, 2010, 2:32 AM
1. Stay on topic at all times.
disagree, too strict, sometimes straying off topic is necessary.
2. Be civil. (No personal attacks. Do not feel compelled to defend your honor in public.)
agreed....but if one is attacked in public the admins must intervene when informed and delete the attacking post.
3. Do not revisit topics that have been controversial and discussed to the ground. (ie. beating nosovs, alt names)
disagree, no one knows for sure if a subject is permanently beaten into the ground. new material can come forth lowering said ground from its position. the nosovs subject was represented on one side by only alison's perspective, if a new person comes into play with a new perspective it could be something new. also it was based under game based. but now that its set based it could yield new information. alt names can continually come up with new creative ways of being a problem thus creating new ways to discuss the subject. ratings,..first of all before we were game based, now set based, the same subject can bring new information now, also one side was always supported more than the other by up2ng, because 90% of the people here have no idea what hes talking about when he uses fancy words like formula stuff k factors ext... what if some one came with some solid new stuff for the other side of the coin? im having a problem with one person deciding when a subject has been permanently exhausted. this decision i see as more of a educated guess, not a real knowing. and as far as people needing to dig through 50 threads to see if it has already been talked about i find asking a bit too much. i think the forum should be organized better. ratings forum, with all threads relative in it, as an example. or at least make a forum called "threads of subjects prohibited to discuss due to one persons opinion that they've been talked into the ground, read only but dont post any comments, your further opinions to add are not welcome" well something shorter of course but basically meaning this.
4. Use short, concise thread titles.
no but, how about "use the most fitting thread title you can think off, and if split between a long choice and a short choice use the shorter one" some times concise is not brief if to be thorough.
5. Do not flood a forum.
yes but,... there are varying levels of this, where to draw the line? example, in the analysis forum, watsu was posting a new thread for every game, because dweebo made a button that does that. then i made the argument that he needs to consolidate these into a singular thread if they bare a commonality of why hes sharing them. and but look at me in there,..although i try to consolidate games to categorized thread subjects, there's a whole lotta zoeyk in there, so both me and watsu have flooded the analysis forum in different ways. i mean its easy to say "dont flood the forum with porn links", common sense right? but as the level of violation becomes less and less, im struggling to see where the line is drawn.
6. No Trolling. (According to wikipedia, A troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.)
agreed, but i bet there are trolls that function in the grey zone where one cant exactly define what they are doing. so a defined line needs to be made for this where when the troll is subtle.
7. No offensive, insulting, profane or vulgar remarks are allowed.
agreed, but know that (and i can site examples) there are people that get offended by comments when there should be none, and they will say they were offended by a comment. so does someone officially judge accused comments to see if they were in fact a violation, or do all accused comments get treated the same - they get auto deleted?
8. No Bumping.
no bumping,..hmmm i say you can bump once per month hehe, if no bites then better luck next month, or try soliciting players through private messages to respond to the thread hehe.
9. Use Main UserId to post in forums.
yes agreed! but what if they have 2 IDs and neither has ever played a game, and both were registered the same day? which one is primary?in this rare situation they should be given one week to choose the primary. however if both IDs are found purposely posting in the forum then delete both. i say purposely because one could forget to log off other name when posting and whoops.
10. Pornographic content is not permitted on this site. (There are kids who do play at this site.)
agreed, but could this some how be combined with the thow shalt not spam forum commandment? this is some how reminding me of george carlon's consolidation of the 10 commandments lol. if you havnt seen it you should.
11. Do not deliberately post in a manner that is disruptive to ongoing discussions or community.
hmmm agreed, but, define disruptive. if one person is on a role with how right they are, then another comes in and pops there bubble they might feel disrupted.
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare
Jun 8, 2008
Stillwater, Oklahoma Banned: For abuse of mm_ai8
Re: Forum policies, community director
Jan 6, 2010, 8:37 AM
I vote for the hands-off approach as much as possible.
I can think of one person who is very sensitive and reactionary. But he is also very funny and super-smart. If we were playing over-the-board, he and I might come to blows, but I bet we would become budz. I might agree with him less than 10% of the time, but I like to hear his point of view too.
Never the less, its good to keep things g-rated for the kids.
May 9, 2002
Northeast USA
Re: Forum policies, community director
Jan 7, 2010, 2:55 PM
I think some people are over-thinking it with these proposed rules/guidelines for forum decorum. First of all, for many closely moderated forums that want to foster serious discussion these pretty much are the rules. Mostly they are common sense anyway.
Obviously forum admins / moderators aren't going to just go around locking accounts because of minor forum infractions. Some of these are more guidelines than rules anyway. There really is no reason to intervene unless infractions are particularly serious or become very repetitive and ongoing. There should be no reason to get uptight over this stuff. Again, it's all just common sense.
A guideline that says to stay on topic is not at all too strict. This is important for well organized forum discussions. Many forums I participate in actually have admins who notice almost every time when a thread is going off topic -- if the posts are thoughtful, relavent and worthy of discussion in their own right, these will often simply be broken out into a new thread for seperate discussion. If the posts degenerate into nonsense, these might simply be censored or deleted and the thread locked. Straying off topic is unnecessary.
Be civil -- should be common sense.
Do not revisit overdiscussed topics -- this is more of a guideline anyway. In general, yes, people should actually read through recent thread titles to see if the topic they wish to post about is already being discussed or has been recently before starting a new thread. I have seen situations in forums where someone asks a question and a big thread follows that discusses the answer. Then, RIGHT above it pops a new thread with someone asking the same question. That should be avoided. It just clutters the forum with unnecessary threads. As for whether something has been overdiscussed. You make a good point, topics are rarely truely overdiscussed. It hasn't really happened here but there are times when someone will just start posting their views on a topic all over the forums to the point that it becomes abuse and a great annoyance to the whole community. When something like this happens it will be obvious, there will be no need for interpretation of the rules.
Short titles. I could do without this rule. It's more of a guideline in my opinion. However, again, when this happens it will be obvious -- sometimes people can get into a bad mood and post an extra long, nonsensical thread title pretty much only to be an annoyance to the community. This should be avoided.
Do not flood the forum. Again, when this rule gets abused it will be obvious. No need to split hairs over interpretation.
No Trolling -- common sense.
No offensive behavior -- common sense.
No Bumping -- Just don't bump. It's annoying and unnecessary. It causes a collective waste of lots of man-seconds as people click on the topic thinking there is some new discussion to read, and there isn't.
Use Main UserID to Post -- Ok, HUGE pet peeve of mine: multiple UserIDs. Just don't do it. Create one UserID when you join a site and stick with it. Many closely moderated forums actually require much more personal information to be manually verified to open your account than we require here. Basically you are identifying who you are whenever you post. At this site, you are already basically anonymous with your very first ID. There is absolutely no reason to go around creating multiple IDs to make forum posts OR to play with in the game rooms. Multiple IDs -- Just don't do it. At the very least it is just highly annoying.
No Porn -- obviously common sense.
Don't be disruptive -- Once again this is common sense and will be obvious when this rule is violated.
Zoey, you keep wanting to know where the line is for many of these rules. My solution is that everyone should go out of their way to always behave WAY within the rules. In general, admins and moderators will only take action when behavior strays WAY outside the rules. When this happens, it will be so clear and obvious that there will be no other interpretation of what is happening.
Everyone relax. If we all just behave ourselves in the forums everything will be ok.
Re: Forum policies, community director
Jan 7, 2010, 6:50 PM
I agree, Up2ng.
As a member and participant of several established forums, I see the necessity for forum guidelines. Most of these proposed guidelines should be inherent in a group of intellegent pente'ers, such as those here. I don't believe Peter or the admins are trying to "control" the topics of discussion nor do they want to "control" who posts what/when, I do believe they (like a lot of us) want a little more.....civility?
I like the guidelines for what they are: guidelines. I also think a forum moderator or two (each splitting the topic categories between them) is also necessary.
Jun 8, 2008
Stillwater, Oklahoma Banned: For abuse of mm_ai8
Re: Forum policies, community director
Jan 18, 2010, 4:43 AM
Pretty cool to open this subject up for discussion. After reading through the proposed details, I see being a moderator as a thankless, controversial, stressfull, and tedious job. I haven't paid a lot of attention to how much is edited or deleted, but just the fact that policies are open to debate, is a great indicator that freedom of expression is important to those in charge. Some people seem compelled to push the limits; but again, I vote for less rather than more.
About the only thing that I find annoying, is someone being rude to and/or taking advantage of a newbie. Which doesn't apply to the forum per se.
As much as I hate to see it, editing and censoring does need to be done sometimes. I dont know how many moderators there are, but maybe if something seems over the line, one moderator could call it to the attention of all the others before something is changed. But not in a way that would be overly biased, like: "Hey, did you see how hateful jackschidt's last post was?" I'm thinking it should be more generic, along the line of: "What do you think of jackschidt's last post?" Of course, having drawn attention, there will be some bias; but that might help to aleviate the dog-pile effect of moderators wanting to support each other.
But as defensive as people can be, it might be a good idea to take a vote before anything drastic is done, like someone's account getting locked-out. A vote would let that person in question know how most of us feel, whether their conduct is generally accepted or not. Like less than 10% approval calls for action? I don't know, that might be more trouble than its worth.
Someone else has made a couple of valuable suggestions in another thread:
_ If you believe something is offensive, send that person a private message asking for clearification.
_ If you believe something is offensive, wait 72 hours before responding.
Re: Forum policies, community director
Jan 20, 2010, 1:07 PM
Okay......I deliberately kept my genius hole shut on this initially to allow space to accommodate anyone who wouldn't normally chime and to allow the dialogue to blossom without the variable of my input seein's how the bush which administration's dancing around is me. There. Now that I SAID IT....does anyone want to debate that point? In other words, they want to implement forum rules (primarily) because they're sick of yours truly. I have a couple of points to make on a personal note before I get into the merits of forum rules in general.
Point #1-On numerous occasions in the past and as recently as 2 weeks ago I have sent Dweebo PMs asking for his input and/or assistance in what has gone on here. Except for a couple of instances involving admin abuse (a LONG time ago) those messages went unanswered and unreplied to. I'm all for community governance mind you, but there were a good handful of situations that should have been intervened on and weren't. Or at least warranted a response and went unattended to. Why? If the honest answer is time management then I'll just accept that and leave that alone....methinks tho that the rumor mill got to him and his view of me became tainted sometime a few years ago. Considering a particularly sinister incident involving an admin (not partica) a couple years ago involving myself (as the victim, not the perpetrator), I am all but POSITIVE that Dweebo gets some pretty sick and arguably psychotic input from his 'advisors'. I'm putting this here for one reason and one reason alone. That reason is to let Dweebo know that if he has ANY question of misgiving about me, I am available for discussion now as I always have been per my PMs. If he doesn't want to have that discussion, that is his provocative and its not anyone else's business either.....that's between him and me. But if I'm right about this, well, now the individual(s) responsible know that I know and Dweebo knows that he won't be stirring a hornet's nest if he looks for clarification (because I'm giving my word on that right now) I might be evil guys, but I ain't stupid. Gimme some credit.
Point 2-If you like, you can go back in the forums and pull up any back and forth dialogue you find objectionable from yours truly and you'll find some common denominators. The one I'll point out now is that never (I'm pretty sure anyway lol) did I start a fight or lay in on someone initiating a flame war. Not once. If anyone can show an example, I'm all ears. I'm a live and let live type by all means. I don't abide bullying and at the same time I'm less than famous for swallowing %^&( when its served to me. And yes, I'm somewhat disproportionately gifted in the art of communication lol....but it IS a gift
Ok thats the end of the personal stuff and I just wanna wrap this one up stating that it was necessary to air these points for the sake of my name. There IS a time and place to defend one's honor, and as I've said time and again to all those that know me.....I have NOTHING to hide.
"The best part about telling the truth is not having to remember what you said"
That being said my next post will be more general in nature and addressing the pros and cons of forum rules.
Methinks we might be in for some quality debate here
Message was edited by: omgjustdie at Jan 20, 2010 9:35 AM To state that NOTHING I said here is in ANY way an attempt to criticize anyone I've argued with in the ill feelings or judgements against anyone at all.
For delineation between minor and flagrant decorum breaches to be implement
Jan 20, 2010, 10:43 PM
Ok I have one simple but methinks appropriate suggestion for forum moderation and that is to delineate between flagrant and minor breach of decorum. Flagrant breaches would warrant immediate deletion/censorship/whatever you wanna call it whereas minor breaches would warrant admin messaging the author to either modify their post or make their case for its relevence or whatever the concern might be.
Flagrant violations would include pornography, spam, threats, vulgarity (which needs to be we have network television rules, southern baptist, public school, cable TV, PG-13, or is there a list of naughty words to pass around?......'tis a dicey piece to pick apart cuz on what authority are we gonna abide by?....Ultimately its Dweebo's decision but by implication in fielding the concern to the community he will explain why he chooses whatever template is finally implemented. Or are you literally going to ask for a vote Dweebo? I guess that question needs to be asked is the consensus going to be evaluated and quantified?) Apologies for the run-on parenthetical.
My case for making the delineation between flagrant and minor violations is a no-brainer IMO. We have at the moment 3-4 admins, none of which are trained or formally educated much less officially recognized as arbitration, contract, philosophical or hermeneutical experts(to the best of my or anyone else who I know at the site's knowledge). Not to imply that this means they do not possess common sense, but the point is that they are regular people when it comes to interpretation. Combine this with a body to be governed which is similarly equipped and we have a recipe for MANY instances of posts being censored for the wrong reasons(i.e. contextual misunderstanding, etc....). My proposal would consist of admin simply requesting dialogue in whatever form is available within say 72 hours for minor breaches and if communication doesn't follow in the appropriate timeframe, then the rule would be that admin has free reign to handle the breach as they see fit. After all, when a player posts there is an implied personal interest in the topic on their part and a similar implied obligation to be available for dialogue if their voice is to be counted as part of the community at large......and if they're not available then why would they have a problem with their post being modified or removed anyway? (i.e. they wouldn't be AWARE lol)
Ok in the interest of simplicity I'm gonna stop here and make seperate posts for other suggestions as I have time. I think it'll be easier for people to digest if one point is posted at a time rather then firing a shotgun in a single post. Also I'd suggest that as each author posts, they should consider giving their post a specific title for the sake of members referencing these posts as we evaluate and make decisions.
Against Staying on topic at all times
Jan 20, 2010, 10:56 PM
The currently proposed rule reads "Stay on Topic at all Times" This rule AS IT READS would be inappropriate for this site.
A) This isn't the army. It's a fun place and personalities shouldn't feel intimidated to chime re: a tangeant anymore than we would want our guests at a BBQ to feel out of place for bringing up a point of interest as they see fit.
B)We're not invading Canada, we're improving a gaming website and this issue has never been a problem here in the past and in the couple of instances where it was appropriate to do so, Dweebo simply moved posts around to fit contexts more appropriately.
C)I think this one should be thrown out altogether not because it doesn't have any place in the world at large, but because its never been a problem here and foresight tells me that it will have a net result of people feeling justified for getting bitchy with each other (i.e "You're NOT staying on topic!"......that's all we need lol something lame and petty to make a federal case out of anytime someone shares a cute video or makes a joke lol. Thanks but, errrr no.)
May 9, 2002
Northeast USA
Re: Forum policies, community director
Jan 20, 2010, 10:58 PM
Erik, please don't take these topics of forum rules and guidelines personally and assume that they are all about you. Several threads have deteriorated into personal squabbles over the past few years. You were involved in many of them, but so were many other regular users here.
These things happen when the environment is completely unmoderated. And the main issue, as you suggested, really has been time management. There just haven't been enough admins who make regular enough appearances on the site. Plus, Dweebo in particular has gone through periods of time where keeping a day-to-day watch over the site was just not his priority. When he originally spent a lot of time developing the site he was in a much different stage of life than he is now with full time work and a family to support and so on. I don't believe he has made decisions about who to correspond with based on a user's reputation, I think that for long stretches of time he is just less reachable than other times.
Your point is well taken about discussing any issues that might come up via PM. That is often a more appropriate means of communication than a public forum.
May 9, 2002
Northeast USA
Re: Forum policies, community director
Jan 20, 2010, 11:12 PM
I pretty much agree with your first two points. In general, I think you'll find that admins will allow for a lot of leeway and will be pretty lax about censorship.
I personally feel that staying on topic is more of a guideline than a rule. I don't necessarily feel that chiming in with a joke or a casual comment is going off topic. However, for example if there is a three page thread going on about the pros and cons of a Rating system, don't just reply to this thread and say, oh, I saw this really cool game played by so and so, here is the board screenshot... etc. There is probably already another thread or forum section where such a post would be more appropriate. Sometimes some valuable information gets buried on a back page of an unrelated thread and then months later when people are trying to do a quick search through the forums just based on Thread titles they won't find what they are looking for.
That sort of thing is just common sense, but I don't view it as -- oh no, you've broken a rule! That post is off topic! It's more of a guideline that would be helpful if more people would be mindful of this when posting.
Re: Staying on topic (against)
Jan 20, 2010, 11:24 PM
Ok if it'd be so helpful then can you point to any instances where it has become enough of an issue to outweigh the knitpicking which will arise from the rule's implementation? We've already had one unnecessary squabble from its mere SUGGESTION......its a cat-herding project at best (It's human nature to follow tangents....important issues such as (ahem) set based ratings have been born out of these tangents, and it goes against the grain of fostering community as well. At worst it will result in more knitpicking like what happened last week between par and zoey....just an unnecessary engagement).
If you or anyone else can cite instances where this 'problem' has truly compromised a topic(and wouldn't have been corrected by the implementation of the rule forbidding deliberate disruption of a thread/the forums) I will gladly stand down, but as it stands I feel it is important to weigh the possible negative impact.
Message was edited by: omgjustdie at Jan 20, 2010 5:37 PM Ty for the kudos btw.....sorry I read the later one 1st...or vice versa or something....
Message was edited by: omgjustdie at Jan 20, 2010 7:11 PM To add the parenthetical in the last paragraph
Message was edited by: omgjustdie at Jan 20, 2010 7:28 PM Sorry to over-edit this one but alas this is where this one goes. Your sentiment while appreciated Dean, regarding me being the cause of this issue is a wee bit of an overstep. The timeframe I'm referencing as well as the PMs didn't involve you as you weren't an admin at that time. My statement/question/point is addressing Dweebo singularly, not the admin post as a whole as the concerns were addressed to him exclusively. Again ty for the sentiment, however it is something that only Peter can speak to.