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Topic: For beginners ... examples of long opening moves
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Posts: 124
Registered: Jun 8, 2008
From: Stillwater, Oklahoma Banned: For abuse of mm_ai8
For beginners ... examples of long opening moves
Posted: Nov 3, 2009, 6:24 AM

(Moderator: Can this thread be moved to the Analysis Forum? Thanks)

First of all, you'll need to be logged into the website with a user name to see the examples below (guests dont get to see the graphics).

This thread is for some of the new players looking to improve. To paraphrase Nosovs (one of the best): If you want to get better, then you have to realize that your biggest obstacle is yourself. So I presume that if you're reading this, you've come to the end of your talent, and are ready to study, learn, and work.

Pente is a game that is learned backwards. You know how you want it to end; but you cant get to Pente (5) until you get a Tessera (4), or even a Tria (3) until you get two stones to line up (a potential). Believe it or not, for most games, the outcome is decided in those first few moves; many times in the first 4 to 6 moves.

As I understand it, there are three stages to each game: opening moves, mid-game moves, and end-game moves. Generally, the opening moves are strategical, made before the first initiative-sustaining 3's or 4's appear. Again, generally, the mid-game starts (or has already begun) when one player achieves a sustainable offense; using a series of various tactical moves (3's & 4's); forcing their opponent to respond with a block or capture(s) for at least three moves; thereby establishing an offensive and a defensive player. And with some exceptions, the end-game starts when Trias (3's of any form) by the defensive player become ineffective, and/or the threat of a 4th or 5th capture.

You may have seen some of those other lessons (if not, ask); they're mostly tactical mid-game moves that take advantage of strategic positions achieved in the opening moves. But how do you get those strategic postions before your opponent does? Lots of people tell me that their opening moves are weak; well join the club! To come to a full understanding of opening moves is to master the game; and if you're ready for that level, then go here:

Zoeyk's book of opens:

Otherwise, this is a thread for beginners to see examples of when to initiate an offensive run, and when to wait. Of how to counter-attack (soft-block) a potential; or counter-attack a counter-attack; or use opening strategies like divide & conquer, cap & trade, etc. By no means is this about perfect play. I'm interested in showing real games were mistakes are made, and possibly recovered from; long opens, that go on for at least 8 moves for each player, although some go on much longer. So if you play (or see) such a game, please share it with us. If you dont know how to post a game here in the forum, point me to that game and I'll post it.

I have a couple of examples I will post later.

Message was edited by: jackschidt at Jul 8, 2010 5:28 PM

Change of thread title.


Posts: 5
Registered: Jul 11, 2009
Re: Most moves in a game before a Tria or Tessera?
Posted: Jul 8, 2010, 10:00 PM

any more on this?


Posts: 124
Registered: Jun 8, 2008
From: Stillwater, Oklahoma Banned: For abuse of mm_ai8
Re: Most moves in a game before a Tria or Tessera?
Posted: Jul 8, 2010, 11:17 PM

Here's a game, though I dont remember what I was thinking. Excellent example of soft-blocking by the Pirate-Cat (or is that a Cat-Pirate?).

In this example, I made an offensive move at move 6; but it was not sustainable; and only forced two blocking moves. So its kind of foggy as to where the opening stopped and the mid-game started.

I'd would still really like to see a lot more examples of long opening moves. Since there is no way to do a controlled search for games like this in the database, the only way would be if people post some examples here.


Posts: 124
Registered: Jun 8, 2008
From: Stillwater, Oklahoma Banned: For abuse of mm_ai8
Re: Examples of long opens ...
Posted: Jul 9, 2010, 3:00 AM

Here's an example just played today, where a sustainable open-3 didn't happen until p1's 8th move:

Well played pmplummer!!!

Seems like games where sustainable offense occurs late in the game would naturally involve a lot of captures.

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