Being bothered by another player
Jun 15, 2024, 8:27 PM
Hello all, there is a current player that I have directly messaged several times politely explaining that I don’t wish to play with them any more due to them habitually resigning when the game hits a point where they won’t win. I’ve asked them to not accept my public invitations for games, and to cancel any games they have already accepted from my public posting, yet they seem to be ignoring my requests. Just yesterday they accepted about 4 games I posted publicly and they will not cancel these games after being asked to by myself. And I have told this person repeatedly that I am not interested in playing with them. I’m at a point where I’m getting very irritated by this person and situation and I’m not sure what to do exactly. Is there a way to block people on here? Or can the admin help? Any useful information is greatly appreciated!
Dec 16, 2001
cottage grove, oregon Home page
Re: Being bothered by another player
Jun 18, 2024, 1:16 AM
I used to play pool with someone very good. I was watching him play with some guy who was bigger than him and who was constantly badgering my friend into playing for money. My friend kept saying that he was not interested but the other guy kept on persisting. Finally, my friend threw his cue down on the table and clocked the guy because he wouldn't shut up. The big guy started blubbering and crying and apologizing and that was the end of it. It's hard to do that in a virtual reality online situation like here of course!
Re: Being bothered by another player
Jun 21, 2024, 5:21 PM
Somehow I made an exception for people in the ignored list but were already playing. I removed that now, your open invitations should not be visible anymore to people you are blocking/ignoring.