Based on the inexplicable preponderance of strong pente players in the state of Oregon, and the lucky fact that watsu is planning a June trip to PDX, I am proposing a Portland Pente Summit, continuing a tradition started perhaps by Brf?
Date: TBD (interested parties please reply with dates of availability) Location: TBD (most likely a Portland bar) Invitees: Everyone who can make it, especially the following people who are ostensibly going to be in the area:
watsu brf haijinx gaylen hybrid pete777
Anyone else? Let's start planning.
It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.
Jan 20, 2019
Salem Oregon
48 Home page
Re: Summer 2019 Portland Pente Summit
Jun 11, 2019, 1:26 AM
Sorry not to reply out of state family just left today (son's graduation last week).
I'm available off and on during the rest of that time, have a couple boards, and at least one functional chess clock. That said, with next weekend being my son's birthday and father's day, I'm more available during the week.
Dec 16, 2001
cottage grove, oregon Home page
Re: Summer 2019 Portland Pente Summit
Jun 13, 2019, 9:46 AM
I should be coming through Portland this week. Not sure if I want to spend a night there but then I need to drive another 140 miles to Curtin, OR for this journeys end.
Re: Summer 2019 Portland Pente Summit
Jun 14, 2019, 1:14 AM
Excellent! I'm going to be in Portland Friday through sunday. I should have a board and stones with me. Friday and Saturday are best for me. Watsu has recommended the following venue in Sellwood:
I could be persuaded to meet there.
Format: 50% regular, 50% Boat, 50% speed, the remainder by popular demand.
It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.
Re: Summer 2019 Portland Pente Summit
Jun 14, 2019, 4:30 AM
Wish I could. I never would have been anything but cannon fodder, but drinking beer and playing games...I'll go lots of places. Hoping others try something similar. Just more notice I need time to find affordable flights and board the pets.
Regretfully, I can't this weekend...I can get up to Portland early next week to see watsu and whoever else is around. I'm sure I can get down to Eugene some time soon.
Re: Summer 2019 Portland Pente Summit
Jun 17, 2019, 6:22 AM
The things we learn to take for granted in online Pente if we haven't played OTB in many years are interesting. For example both players having the same overhead perspective of the board position without a rotation and the time and care it takes to place, adjust and remove stones from the board...
Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat
I was visiting a friend up the hill from Rainier OR last weekend with no internet and then came through Portland on the 17th. Then I remembered meeting up for pente only after I was on the road South of Portland. If Watsu or any players (pente or chess) would like to stop by I am easy to find. 11 miles South of Cottage Grove on I-5. Take the Curtin exit, turn right, take the left curve across the tracks, turn into the first driveway, take an immediate left and look for my red Hhr. But message me first for phone number!
Re: Summer 2019 Portland Pente Summit
Jun 21, 2019, 5:45 AM
did any games get played. if so hope somebody will post. I'm with rainwolf. lets see some pics. Might need a whole new forum category. Players meet up pics and associated vacay pics.