"Super pente" variant
Feb 10, 2019, 8:12 PM
I found on boardgamegeek.com pente variant called "super pente". It is described based on "Game Mutators for Restricting Play" by Jo?o Pedro Neto and William Taylor in Game & Puzzle Design, vol. 1, no. 2:
Rules: 1. Player one place one stone on the board 2. After that each player gets to place two stones on the board at a time (as in connect6) but non-linear restiction is applied. It means that those two stones cannot be played in the same orthogonal or diagonal line 3. The goal is to place 4 in a row oraz capture five pairs.
I am not sure if it is playable. I feel that 4 in a row would be to easy to achieve but maybe 5 in a row is to hard. The best way to see it is to test it.
Is anyone interested? If so we can play it as not-rated pente game with put some stone on the edge of board (in order to allow opponent play 2 stones. When it is finished just cancel the game.
By the way I think that boat and poof rule can work in this variant even better than in normal pente.
I'm assuming the non linear restriction only applies with each group of 2 played and that therefore a capture would take two separate turns to implement? Also, do we play with the non linear restriction when defending against a sure win or not? If so, then an open 3 should win. If not, the game make last a little longer. I'm willing to give it a try.
Message was edited by: watsu at Feb 14, 2019 7:18 PM
Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat