Feb 21, 2003
Hawaii Home page
Idea on the P1 advantage
Jan 5, 2014, 3:14 AM
I have played many games where I've made a small mistake as P1 but still been able to win the game by capturing five pairs of stones. Had the game continued for another move or two P2 would have won with five in a row. We all know that P1 has an advantage, even with the restrictions on his second move. What if capturing five pairs only gave P2 the win. P1 could only win by getting five in a row. Who would have the advantage then? Would it still be Pente? Thoughts, anyone?
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Idea on the P1 advantage
Jan 5, 2014, 9:15 PM
in that case P2 would have sure win. P2 would have heavy advantage. So this would not solve the off balance issue. simply switches advantage from P1 to P2 and in the process makes the strategy of thought very unbalanced.
When P2 plays strong generally P2 will get 4 captures right before P1 either makes a pente or takes 5th cap. they are neck and neck whole way in perfect play with P1 one step ahead.
And there are certain openings, such as wedge, where if using the rules you provided, P2 would find win before P1 could find pente. in wedge captures is huge part of the equation.
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Re: Idea on the P1 advantage
Jan 8, 2014, 3:44 AM
Yeah, Z is largely correct in my opinion too. With p2 having no worries of cap threats, he would play with abandon towards the goal of 5 caps, clamping all over p1 with every threat possible. P1 would have to play way too careful to avoid the caps, especially after he has had a few taken.
Up front I'd think the advantage leans towards p2 in that scenario, but it would be fun to try.
Good thought.
It would also be interesting to consider the idea of p2 winning with only 4 caps, or p1 having to win with 6. But that upsets my whole mindset. I gotta say.