Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
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Help Wanted
Aug 22, 2013, 7:26 AM
Greetings all,
Am a little busy with projects and so I was wondering if any one would be willing to donate their time for a little pente forum research.
Esentially, I would like someone, or a team of people if possible, to thuroughly go through the forums and collect all information regarding the following:
1) dweebo's various to do lists for improving the site, stuff that never got done but he had a vision for.
2) suggestions, wishes, demands, requests, and imaginative ideas, etc, that members have made over the years for improvements to the site.
I would like to collect all of these from through out the forums and compile them into one single thread and then organize them into some sort of order or necessity and or realistic reasonably for examples.
I will say the biggest thing we needed was a captchca for the forum to prevent spam bots from attacking us. and that has been accomplished. lets put our heads together to examine the future potentials of the site so that we can have an up to date organized and complete to-do list to reference from.
post links to the threads you find here, even if you post the comments here as well.
Additionally, feel free to comment on new ideas you have to improve the site that are not found already discussed some where.
Thank you pente community,
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