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Topic: Playing on a Mac
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Posts: 1,032
Registered: Dec 16, 2001
From: Powell, OH
Age: 37
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Playing on a Mac
Posted: Jul 3, 2002, 10:52 PM

I often get emails sent to me asking how to play at my site with a Mac. Unfortunately I don't know what to tell people because I don't own a Mac or have one I can test with.

I know there are some users out there who are successful at playing with Mac's so please post reply's telling what Mac version and what browser software you use to play at this site so all our Mac user's can do the same!


Pente Rocks!


Posts: 1
Registered: Jul 2, 2002
Re: Playing on a Mac
Posted: Jul 6, 2002, 2:28 AM

(as dweebo knows) I'm one of the guys for whom this fails. I'm running OS 9.0.4 with IE 5.0 and MRJ 2.2.5.

If you're using a Mac and having success, please let us know how you are manageing to do it!

Bob H


Posts: 4
Registered: Dec 16, 2001
Re: Playing on a Mac
Posted: Jul 9, 2002, 2:41 PM


I do play a lot at Dweebo's using a Mac, and especially since the last upgrade I don't experience any problems at all.

I've got Mac OS 8.6 on a blue-white PowerMac G3, and I use Internet Explorer 4.5 or 5. (Netscape doesn't seem to work very well at Dweebo's.)

After clicking "Play Here" I click "Play", i.e. without the java plugin. (Check Explorer's Preferences and make sure that Java is enabled.)

One thing though: Nothing seems to be happening for such a long time that you may think the site doesn't work at all - but it does! You've got to be really patient and eventually you'll get in and the fun can begin...

Good luck!



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From: Powell, OH
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Re: Playing on a Mac
Posted: Jan 15, 2003, 3:59 PM

More information for Mac users.

Recently I upgraded the server to run on JDK 1.4, the latest version of java. Also, the applet is compiled with this version. Some Mac users reported they couldn't get on because of this.

So, if you're a Mac user, try playing at the following URL: http://www.pente.org/gameServer/applet1.3.1.jsp.

Pente Rocks!

Posts: 34
Registered: Dec 16, 2001
From: Denver
Re: Playing on a Mac
Posted: Jan 15, 2003, 10:32 PM

I think the trick here is to use a browser that will call up the MRJ (Macintosh Runtime for Java). You can pick up new versions of MRJ at Apple's Website if you run across a site that requires a more recent version of Java than you have installed.

Netscape uses might be having problems because some, perhaps all, versions of Netscape have their own version of the Java VM built-in, and it may not be this season's most fashionable version.

I don't use IE, but I've heard that it does use MRJ.

I use iCab as my Web browser, you can find it on the Internet, and it does use MRJ and works fine with this site.

Hope this helps.



Posts: 21
Registered: Jun 4, 2002
From: Montreal QC Canada
Age: 39
Re: Playing on a Mac
Posted: Jan 22, 2003, 2:11 AM

I'm actualy playing with 2 mac, one G4 dual 1GHz and a PowerBook G4 Titanium 500MHz both are running OS X jaguar v.10.2.3 and I play with the new Apple Safari 1.0 beta (v51) and I get zero bug.

Under OS X there is only a little interface problem with the web page button collor contrast, the text is really hard to read.

Before I play with IE and It was working fine, one small thing after longin I always get a black window and event if I whait it stay black, I notice there is a java refresh bug, to avoid this I simply resize the black window by moving the right buttom corner window, than you are in biseness.

I try all the OS X web browser I fond and the only two forking fine are Safari and IE, the other don't work or unexpectly quit continally.

Before Jaguar I was playing with OS 9.2.2 and the only browser I found working well was IE with the same black window bug.



Posts: 4
Registered: May 22, 2003
From: Utah, USA
Age: 15
Re: Playing on a Mac
Posted: Jun 3, 2003, 9:56 AM

I use a Mac and it works great! I am in OS X and use Explorer. I hope that all of you other mac users have the same success i do. Good Luck


Posts: 1
Registered: Sep 26, 2006
From: st louis
Age: 32
Re: Playing on a Mac
Posted: Oct 3, 2006, 3:47 AM

hey i use a power mac 64 400 proc ith osx tiger and everything works fine for me ope this helps

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