> I think it should be changed. > > Let's consider a hypothetical situation: > > Only one games remaining, actual standings: > > 1. Player A - 7-3 > 2. Player B - 6-3 > 3. Player C - 5-4 > 4. Player D - 5-5 > 5. Player E - 3-7 > 6. Player F - 3-7 > > There is only one game left, between Player B and C. > What played C should do right now in order to have > chance to win tournament? He can advance to next > round only if he lost It's ridiculous.
To clarify though, C would advance no matter what the outcome of the game. If he lost then A,B,C,D would advance, if he won, then A,B,C would advance. In the former system, the top 2 scores would advance.
Message was edited by: rainwolf at Oct 9, 2020, 2:49 PM My bad, you're right, there would be a clear winner if he won, and the tournament would be over.
Re: 2020 Masters Tourney Round 4
Nov 12, 2020, 3:59 AM
I'm sorry to hear that Zoey. I hope I'm not bothering anybody else either and I apologize if I am; I'm not intentionally dragging out the tournament, trying to be difficult, or even waiting until the last second on my moves. I'm just trying to play out my games the best that I can despite a very busy schedule.
Re: 2020 Masters Tourney Round 4
Nov 12, 2020, 4:00 AM
Congratulations on winning the tournament pente_gon! You kicked some butt! It was fun seeing and getting to play with everyone again! Thanks for reaching out to me and getting me to play Karl! And also thanks to rainwolf for running the website and the tournament!
Re: 2020 Masters Tourney Round 4
Nov 12, 2020, 6:57 AM
Congrats to pente_gon, our deserving champion! Thank you to everyone for competing in this historic tournament. Even with a few unfortunate developments, it still ended up being a thrilling tournament with many classic games.
When it became clear that he would surpass me in the final tally, I challenged pente_gon to a live pente "grudge match," which he accepted, with the caveat that he would first be taking a break from pente. I accepted those terms (I could use a break myself); I will post an update when we have finalized the date and time.
I will also extend the challenge to my 2nd-place compatriot zoeyk, but he has indicated his wish to retire soon, so I'm not holding out as much hope.
It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
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Re: 2020 Masters Tourney Round 4
Nov 12, 2020, 11:26 AM
Ok, no worries water, ggs. I'm glad tourney is done, I can take break from pente. Karl, ill invite you to grudge match some time. When I'm refreshed, and have a p2 I'm excited to wield. Congrats Pente_gon. Very good.
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare
Thank you to everyone for tournament and challenging games (especially karlw and zoeyk). I'm happy that it was finished with 6 players final section.
I won this time but Karl or Zoey could won as well. Both may be dissapointed. Please note that both won all P1 games and didn't use vacation days during tournament. I think that Karl was very well prepared and games against him was most difficult for me. A bit of luck decided that I have more points.
In my opinion also spavacz was able to win but he played risky moves as P2 in final section and he lost his vacation days during first round before start of the games. This could be a crucial factor.
There was one important situation at the beginning of final round. I made missclick in my P2 game against be_water. Porbably first time during turn-based game. It was 2. O10 instead of 2. N9. It is playable but it was not my plan to play it. "Wedge" was my planned choice. I realised that quite fast (i think it was not more than 15 minutes). I had some doubts what to do but decided to ask for undo since it is acceptable by rules and he did't play his move yet. Fortunately for me be_water accepted it. One more time - thank you.
Watsu, I hope you are doing well. I was hoping that you would be able to finish your games. I would like to point out that watsu has an important contribution into my win because few years ago we played game similar to my P2 game against be_water. But then I was P1.